Ω About Us

We "Jai Shree Swami Samarth Engineering Products Pvt. Ltd." are plesed to introduct ourselves as a quality manufacturer of Press Components, Assemblies & Surface treatment (Industrial Powder Coating). We supply directly or indirectly to Auto Industries, Steel Plants & Other Industries. Looking at our manufacturing procedure & quality. We have been awarded An ISO_9001-2000 By NQAQSR. We are prompt in providing quality products & in timely deliveries.

Name of The Firm M/s. Jai Shree Swami Samarth Engineering Products Pvt. Ltd.
Regd. Office/ Mfg. Unit-1,
Unit -II
Plot No - 17/11, D-1, Block, M.I.D.C., Chinchwad, Pune-411019, M.I.D.C., Chakan, Pune
Contact No 020-27488222
Status Private Ltd.
Area Office/ Works 1) 2000 Sq. ft. / 13000 Sq. ft.
2) 80,000 Sq. ft. (Under Construction/ Development) at M.I.D.C. Chakan, Pune.
3) 15,000 Sq.ft. at M.I.D.C. Chinchwad, Pune
S.S.I Regn. No. 111930927 (Dated 31/8/2005)
Shop Act Regn. Chinchwad/H/1741
Dated 18/3/2005
Excise No AABCJ5687LXM001
VAT TIN 27410340629 V
C.S.T. Tin 27410340629 C
Service Tax No. AABCJ5687L STOO1
Persons To Be Contacted 1) R.P. GODGE (PATIL) - Managing Director (Cell - 09822035944)

2) PRASHANT R. GODGE (PATIL) - Director (Cell - 09822006299)
Email - Prashantpatil@jssepl.com

3) L.D. KAKADE - Manager Admn. (Cell - 09881494897)
Email - ldkakade@jssepl.com

---- Why Us?

• Strong concentration on the quality aspect of the product
• Cost effective
• Goodwill in the market
• On-time delivery
• Customization solutions provided

Customization ----

Customization processes brings modification sand development in a particular product. Thereby, we take all the specifications and requirement of client regarding the product and implement thereafter.

Major parameters are taken into consideration such as:
• Size
• Shape
• Design
• Weight

We strictly take all the suggestions, complaints and grievances into our account and thereafter take action. Our major concentration is on the complete client contentment, so we make sure all the demands are well satisfied.

---- Team And Management

Our organization functions with a team of professionals who are experts in the industry. Amongst our teammates, we have production engineers, mechanical engineers, tool room engineers, supervisors, welders, press operator, store incharge, quality analysts and other skilled workmen. Their consistent efforts have resulted in qualitative production. With their several years of industry experience, we have been able to gain an awareness in the industry. The team members majorly focus on the quality aspect as they are well versed with all the nitty gritties of the industry and products.